Prof Ian Davis

ANZUP 2018 – Prof Ian Davis

As ANZUP celebrates its 10th Anniversary, Prof Ian Davis reflects on how ANZUP brings people together to improve patient outcomes.

Talking Urology Podcast Transcript

ANZUP 2018 Interviews – Ian Davis

Joseph Ischia: Ian thank you for joining in as the head of the ANZUP Trials Group it is a great pleasure to have you here, and how’s the conference going this year.

Ian Davis: Joseph, it’s been a fantastic meeting. This is our 10th anniversary. It’s great to reflect on where we’ve come from and where we’ve gone. We set up ANZUP initially because there was real need to bring everyone together involved in the care and research of genitourinary cancers, and now 10 years down the track we have made great progress with it. The theme of this year is mainly putting people first and that has really struck me how many of the presentations have concentrated on that particularly theme.

Joseph: Okay. And what do you think is the one thing you’ve heard the listeners that you want them to know? How can ANZUP help the everyday urologists, radiation oncologists, medical oncologists?

Ian: I think the key message that has come out of this meeting is the importance of multidisciplinary involvement. Patients are telling us that they need this in terms of decision making. We have all got various modalities that we can choose from there with uncertainty about when and how to use them and we are not experts in each other’s fields, so this sort of made the inquiry considered each other’s fate and learn from each other.

Joseph: So, is the meeting just for academics or do you think anybody can come along?

Ian: Oh, absolutely not just for academics. This is for the jobbing person out there looking after people at the cold face.

Joseph: Wonderful. Thank you very much.

Ian: Thank you, Joseph.

Joseph: Great to have you over.

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